5 things to get you pumped and ready to improvise
You can find Ottawa improv classes at the Improv Embassy! We now offer introductory improv classes for beginners and a refresher course for more experienced players.
Check out all our current and upcoming class offerings here.
Whether you’ve taken a class before, performed on stage, or never thought you would ever go near anything to do with improv, the Improv Embassy has something for you!
Many people don’t know what to expect. So here are 5 things to expect from improv classes at the Improv Embassy.
#1 Expect to find the funny instead of having to be funny
I’ve heard some people say:
“I’m not that funny. I can’t tell jokes.”
“I don’t think quickly on my feet. I’m not witty.”

The best part about improv is that it doesn’t rely on you to tell jokes or deliberately try to be funny. In our improv classes, the group learns to find the funny in everyday things through simple games and exercises everyone can take part in .The ability to think quickly on your feet is a skill you can build and improv is probably one of the most fun ways to do it!
#2 You will meet people from different backgrounds
Improv naturally has this ability to bring together a group of people who may never otherwise cross paths.
In our improv classes, we may have a stay-at-home parent, a university student, a retired accountant, a mechanical engineer, an elementary school teacher, a freelancer, a barista, a gardener, and others just trying to figure out life (that was me!).
The Improv Embassy strives for inclusion and diversity. At the beginning of class, we make time to learn each other’s pronouns. We offer pay-what-you-can jams with no questions asked. If you’re experiencing financial need, you can email [email protected] to discuss the possibility of subsidized classes.

#3 Expect a low-stakes environment
Improv is pretty minimalist! It doesn’t require much equipment.
Expect to enter a mostly empty room with enough chairs for everyone to use. The space is large enough for the whole group to move around comfortably. So, wear some clothing and footwear that supports this.
Classes with the Improv Embassy are made as accessible as possible. The space accommodates mobility aids. Instructors can modify games and exercises to different access needs. If you have any specific questions about accessibility, please send a message to [email protected].
#4 Safeguards to help you step out of your comfort zone, comfortably
The word “improv” can be scary for some people. Acting, whether in improv or your roles in the community, can feel vulnerable.
In our classes, we take great care to establish and respect people’s boundaries. No one is forced to participate in anything they don’t want to.
We do a check-in with those boundaries each class. On certain weeks a person may be less mobile, feel less present, or not feel up to dealing with specific topics. And all of this is 100% ok!
We’ve created the class curriculum in a way to help you build confidence in your skills and for the group to build trust in one another.
If you want to learn more about our policies and how we create as safe an environment as possible for you to play in, check out our Code of Conduct here.
#5 Expect to laugh and have fun!!
Improv classes are a great way to inject some laugh therapy into your week! It’s a space where you can unwind, play, and giggle with the rest of the group.
Each exercise gives you a fun new way to look at your everyday situations. It’s the gift that will keep giving outside of improv class too!

Ready to register for a class?
Click HERE for class info & registration
Register and tell a friend to join too! We look forward to welcoming you to our next improv class!